Well... I am totally anxious and overwhelmed lately...
I'm taking 7 classes, and that's a lot to deal with. But I'm not working, so I have all this extra time to do my work, and although being poor has it's advantages, because it keeps me in the house, as I have no money to shop and go out drinking all the time, unfortunately this is my ideal way to spend my time...
So, it's October 24, and I have almost 2 months of school left, I have to find a job. YUCK! I've gotten used to living on my time, without having to answer to anyone.
On top of all that good stuff, I have decided to move to Belgium! The idea has been in existence first as a concept, and then something meant for later on, and now, something right around the corner.... so before I made the decision to move, I felt like the span of time from then (Sept) to the Spring (the later on idea) was unbearably long.
Well, when you decide to up and move with just a couple of months to organize your whole life in to 4 suitcases, and sell the rest, or ship it home to mom and dad... suddenly I have a new perspective on time.
And, this moving project has essentially become like another class. It requires research (schools, jobs, foreign language class, VISA papers, cheap plane tickets, finding someone to rent my room, seeing my friends) etc etc ETC! It's all so exciting, because on the other end of my flight overseas, waiting for me, is the person I have been working so hard to be with, and that makes it all worth it!
I don't know how long I'll be gone.. isn't that crazy? I might never come back... can you believe that? Or I might... who knows.. that's the fun of it all, right?
Well, Gabriel and I are having a get together in November, which will probably be an unofficial bon voyage party for me, as well as a "hey, Gabriel is in town!" celebration..both are unofficial, mind you, and most likely, you'll get the invitation, and I hope that if you are invited, you come, because I don't know when I'll see you again.. you meaning... you who recieves the invitation... other yous who read this, well, I apologize if you aren't a friend, just an observer... your probably not missing much... but then again... you might be...