
Leaving you

Posted Date: 18 Aug 05 Thursday - 5:16 PM

5:30 AM We're naked. Huddled like cubs in a den. The alarm. Finally I'm the one who gets up first

7:45 AM The airport. Departures. 2nd Breakfast. Gin. Anxiety. Butterflies aflutter

9:00 AM You and I depart first. You wipe away my tears, and hold my face in your hands

9:30 AM Somehow, I'm late checking my bags. I'm told I will only make my flight if I run as fast as I can to my destination

Gate B 33, after the passport check point, after the xray check point

The gates run, as you may guess, B 1 up.... I have 32 gates to pass

I have mentioned before that I love flip flops. And I do, really

Holding up my pants with one hand, my bag and ticket in the other

Running on the moving floor makes me feel like I'm in a movie. Maybe a romantic comedy. Only I'm not running to stop you from boarding your flight, and you aren't running after me...

Seat G 27

Departure 10:10 AM

Flight 7.5 hours

J'ai quitté mon coeur avec toi

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